Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Lost Summer

It's been a while. All I know is...if our brain uses 75% of the glucose in our body--I should be about 50 lbs lighter by now. Oh well, it was worth a try. There hasn't been much time for updates, but only 2 weeks left! We know this summer as the Lost Summer, and I think the pics below are of the only time Alan and I have had a pause this quarter:0) We are happy. Tired but happy. These are the pics to prove it...

Night life in the city... We listened the Chicago Symphony while having a picnic in the park wings and chocolate covered strawberries! Perfect us.

No, Melissa, we will not be studying Biochem tonight!

Gotta love the city lights.
Same pic--but I left the colors as they were...the sky was pretty amazing

Alan bought me beautiful roses....Just because.
(I think he knows I'm about to break!)

And we're living happily ever after

Friday, August 6, 2010


This is my orchid....It was my Birthday present from Alan

I do not grow things. My beans never sprouted in the plastic cup.

I am uncertain as to how I, or my precious flower, are surviving.