Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Final Days

It's been quite the month. I know, I know....I will try to up my allotted once a month post to at least Two! I have given out the address to 3 or 4 more people, so maybe I'll be more movited to write. Well....where to begin...
About a month ago, we decided for sure, we are going on a Caribbean cruise!!! I'll get to visit my mission again, and on top of that, we can spend all day long lying next to a pool, reading books I've been wanting to read for...oh...years....and waiting for drinks and food to COme To ME! BLISS....I think it's the closest to a perfect life as we'll ever get:0) Or at least a lazy one...I can't wait! So...all you people who are just dying to talk to me--as of May 9th, I will not be available as I will be sailing...CRUISING...across the ocean with my Hubby of ONE YEAR!!!! I know, I know, can you believe we made it?! We are celebrating his graduation, our anniversary, my starting of PA school, and anything that falls inbetween. One year down, forever to go--quite literally, and we are so happy. I understand now why the first year is the hardest, and let me share some insight and maybe more than you want to know about how my mind works. I have always heard the hardest part about marriage is the "adjustment period," where all people adjust to the quirks and kinks in their chosen partner....I believe this is not the case for us. I love Alan. He is a dream to have around the house, and a hard worker for sure. He and I both strive to be clean, we wash dishes by hand so we have yet to encounter problems with loading and unloading:o), and we have never, that I am aware of, had a fight over anything simply "odd" about the other person. I believe the cause of pain during the first year of our marriage has been......Birth control. Hate it.

No, but really, it has definitely messed up so much about my body---That's a different story. Let's just say, the first thing we will be doing when I have that insurance of mine....will be to see an endocrinologist. HOWEVER, the Real answer to complete my sentence is....The cause of all contention has been: unexpressed and misunderstood expectations. Take that for what you will. The better we get at expressing our expectations, and the longer we are together, the easier it is to understand those expectations...resulting in a quite perfect marriage. Naturally, we are nowhere near that yet, but I have every hope of getting there as long as we keep working to understand each others' motives and the way we process information... It's been a great year for learning!
Next--pre-cruise: I have never felt so ready to get out, and luckily, now it's possible. Alan Graduated!!! Stats:

Major Field of Study: Financial Economics (I'm not sure what that means, and I'm not entirely sure he does either, But it sounds good, huh?!) No, he really does know. And he's really good at what he does!

Cluster 1: Communications

Cluster 2: Business entrepeneurship

I'm very proud of him. His dad came up for the graduation, as did Becca's family, and we had a good time. I had to work until about an hour before his grad, and when I got home, there was no water! So please excuse my greasy do! We ate at this little filling station restaurant that turned out to be fabulous, and met up with some friends for some Fro Yo here in town.

Becca's dad treated us to a nice dinner after both Alan and Becca's graduations, and may I just tell you...I had the best salad in the world!!! It was divine. And it was nice for everyone to sit together and just chat. Becca graduated in Elementary Education, and I think she is going to be the greatest Teacher! Keep your fingers crossed as she's looking for a job now! Pics turned out cute, I think. For a graduation gift, Becca's dad got her the same camera I received from my sweetheart for Christmas last year. We have now planned to travel the world together and have our photographs published in small magazines/articles like....National Geographic?! What a dream! Obviously, I did Not graduate with both of them, however, I have no pictures of graduation since I decided to go home and get married instead of walking...We decided to take a few shots together as "graduates." It was a lot of fun.

Today, we just got back from Jackson, WY....Alan and I have been thinking about all the things we needed to make sure and do before we leave this ......blessed place. Fortunately, since we are well acquainted with the Wal Mart in town, the Mexican Burrito place, snowboarding at Kelly Canyon, the Rexburg Temple, and BIg Judd's...We found we have done pretty much everything! ha....So we went to Jackson today and had a blast! Here are some pics of our good time. Unfortunately, the lunch had some ill-effects on the boys in our groups...Let's just end there.

We tried on all the overpriced things we couldn't ever pay for...not in a million years. I think they look pretty good!

Candy barrels...

Lots of Candy barrels....

Walked the town....took some shots

Stood beneath the elk horns...

Saw the "sights".... they really Cracked us up! (get it?)
Anyhow, We are heading to Texas on Saturday, so that should be fun! I can't wait to spend an entire week with my fam! and to finally see the little stud baby Jacob who is now teething! Can't wait....See you soon. I come back to work for a week and then we head off to The Holy Land...Chicago, I mean. Nothing but fun heading our way! Please keep Alan in your minds and in your prayers...he'll be looking for a Big Boy job in the city--that's a lot of pressure! As always, it may have taken you two days to read this, so I'll leave you with ... today has been a nearly perfect day--If only you were here!

1 comment:

  1. You went to Jackson! Those were the days. I hope you saw our favorite stuffed wildcat!
