Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Crazy Moves of our Life

So... How's about we play catch up for a bit?... It's been one heck of a month, and I can't begin to describe the emotions, the timing, the challenges, and the exhausted limbs that seem to hang carelessly from our bodies as we've covered 9 states in the last 3 weeks, along with 4 Caribbean islands(I was tough), and hours of endless driving! So, here we go:

We packed up our apartment and headed out of Idaho on May 7th, after spending some time with Alan's brother, Chris, and his wife, Becca. They were so good to help us get it all done in time...My last day of work was the 5th--we spent the next 48 hours getting everything done...and headed out around 1pm. Alan had been in Houston and was supposed to be home on Sunday, HOWEVER:0) He didn't make it home as expected.One might ask why--and then you would be in for one of the funniest stories of your life. So, let's say you did ask why, and I proceeded to tell you, "Well, Alan was at the airport on time, and was waiting to board the plane. He heard them call for first class, and then--HE FELL ASLEEP?!!! Yep, he sure did. He woke up 45 minutes later-the plane had left (Without HIM), and he had to go find someone to talk to about catching another flight. The funniest part is this--He was so embarassed that when the person asked him what happened, he responded with "I was in the bathroom and got distracted." Bahahaha!!!! Anyhow, he didn't get home until Monday afternoon, and I was frantically running around trying to get things done whenever I wasn't at work. Needless to say Becca and Chris were such a blessing! We got everything loaded up and started out. By way of background-When we drove up from Texas, we had to stop every couple of hours to try and re-tie the tarps or duct tape them down. We were determined not to have that happen this time around. As you can see, however, about 45 minutes out, our tarps were fraying, and I was "I told you so-ing" Alan, until he put on the tarps the way I wanted:0) Guess what?--No more tarp stops after that! Now I'm not saying I was right....But....

Our drive took us through some boring places, like Nebraska:0), and we made it there in about 26 hrs. I drove the last 16 hrs by myself! I think I may have been a trucker in some previous life. We made it to our leasing office exactly 1 minute before they 'closed,' but it was all just fine. Our new apartment is wonderful--and we love the accent wall color of choice. We haven't really decided between gold, mustard, or baby vomit...You'll have to let us know! Between the two of us, we got everything moved in and up the two flights of stairs within a couple of hours, and then we were just so exhausted, we barely had time to pack our things for our cruise the next day!!! I know--our lives are so hard. To really appreciate my poor little muscles' strenuous activity, you'd have to know how much stuff we have! But here's an outside view of our home, and our mess... a Little before and after. The day we got home from our cruise, we started unpacking, and these are the things we've accomplished:

Our dining room--pre unpacked:0)

Just after unpacking the Kitchen!

Just an hour before we headed out for Houston for the funeral...Finally! At least the kitchen is done now!!!

Our "black and white" themed study room...

My project before we took off...I'm making a clock! It's simple and sooo fun. Just a lazy susan wheel for $9, a big thing of Elmer's Glue, and paint. Black paint on the base...Elmer's sponged on as shown above, and then immediately after--the color of choice sponged on after.

Once it dries, the Glue will start to crackle and split open, creating the Crackled Clock look... I will post more pictures once I get the hands and motor I ordered. Vinyl lettering to come as well.

Our lovely fireplace!!! It's so nice and just in time for summer!

Sooo cold:0)

Well, that's our new home for ya. I'll post more pictures when we finish our decor! Tomorrow I'll work on pics of the cruise, and then Lorraine's funeral after that...Lots to come!!! TAKE CARE

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